If you do not find the answer to your question, call our office at 816-779-5381 or send us an email at pwsd10@fairpoint.net.
Our rates are:
If you'd like to check the balance of your account or pay your water bill you can use the Customer Web Portal (HERE) or call our office. Any payments put in the drop-box or online will take one business day to reflect on our Web Portal.
In 1992, the Missouri legislature enacted the public drinking water primacy fee to support the departments efforts to ensure Missourians have access to adequate water that is safe to drink. Water samples are collected and tested for contaminants monthly. The cost of these samples are covered through the primacy fee charge.
Public Water District #10 and the City of Peculiar are two separate entities. However, the City of Peculiar has an agreement with PWSD #10 to shut off mutual customer's water meters for non-payment of sewer bills owed the City. Failure to pay your City of Peculiar sewer bill may result in shut off of water service if we receive notice from the city as such.
Public Water District #10 and the City of Raymore are two separate entities. However, the City of Raymore has an agreement with PWSD #10 to shut off mutual customer's water meters for non-payment of sewer bills owed the City. Failure to pay your City of Raymore sewer bill may result in shut off of water service if we receive notice from the city as such.
Public Water District #10 and Osage Valley Electric Cooperative are two separate entities. However, we do have an agreement with Osage Valley to allow their customer's to make payments via cash, check, or money order at our location. These payments can be made during office hours or placed in the drop-box 24/7 located outside of our office. Do not place cash in the drop-box. Contact Osage Valley directly at 660-679-3131 regarding billing questions, service inquiries, or new service.
To make changes to your account such as billing address changes or name changes, please call the office. For security reasons, we may require you to come in to the office and provide a driver's license or government-issued ID alongside a signature.
When doing our monthly reads, our system flags meters that show a steady usage flow for 24 hours immediately prior to the time the meter was read. This can measure usage as small as a tiny continuous drip from a faucet. As a courtesy, we take a record of these flagged meters and send a Leak Report Letter to the customer to inform them that their meter indicated continuous flow for a full 24 hours which could indicate that there may be a leak. It does not mean that there is a definite leak. Common causes that could trigger a Leak Report Letter include but are not limited to running a humidifier, a dripping faucet or showerhead, or a toilet valve that hangs up.
As soon as you're aware of the closing date, please contact the office to let us know you're moving. We will need the date of closing, a forwarding address to mail you your final bill or refund and an updated phone number in case we need to reach you. If the closing date changes or you need to change the final read date for any reason please give us a call as soon as possible.
We take pride in providing excellent customer service and quality drinking water to our community. We will make every effort to make right any issues that may arise. However, if you have a complaint that has not been resolved to your satisfaction, please submit it in writing to PWSD #10 management. PWSD #10 has a form available upon request to submit a formal complaint should the need arise. It will be presented to the Board if requested.
There are a lot of factors that can and will impact your water pressure. Call us at the office and we will be able to give you an estimate based on your location but if a more precise reading is required we will need to test it.
Our water is purchased from Kansas City.
Per the Missouri Department of Natural Resources:
A boil water order is issued by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources to public water systems when a threat to the public health exists, or is likely to exist, that boiling the water will remedy.
A boil water advisory is issued when there is concern that a problem with drinking water may exist, but it has not yet been confirmed.
More information can be found HERE.