Bills are mailed by the last day of the month. Payment is due by the 15th. Payments received after the 15th will be assessed a late fee of 10%. Payments not received by the 25th are subject to a $50 administrative fee and service dis-connection.
Bills can be paid with cash, check, money-order or debit/credit card. Processing fees will be charged when paying by debit or credit card. Payments can be made in our office, placed in our payment drop-box (located next to our building) or mailed to P.O. Box 482, Peculiar, MO 64078.
Please do not put cash in the drop-box!
Pay your water bill online on the Customer Web Portal!
ACH/Recurring Payments
Enroll for automatic recurring bank draft for your water bill payment by completing the ACH Recurring Payment Authorization Form and delivering it to the District office at least 10 days prior to the next due date.
Download the enrollment form for ACH/Recurring payments. Deliver to the District office at least 10 days prior to the next due date. Contact our office at 816-779-5381 if you have questions on the start date for ACH/Recurring payments.
Rate Schedule
Current Water Rates (Monthly):
Minimum: $19.40 (up to 1st 1000 gallons)
$14.61 (each add'l 1000 gallons)
Primacy Fees(Monthly):
Residential 5/8" meters $.44
Larger meters: contact our office
Connection Meter Fees
Administrative/Re-connection Fee $50
NSF/Returned Check Fee $30
Residential Customer Deposit $125
Landlord Deposit $125
Commercial Customer Deposit $250
New Customers are required to complete a water user agreement at our office. A deposit and the water user agreement is required for all customers before service is provided.
*Only cash, check or money order accepted for payment of deposits.
Rental Properties
Per PWSD #10's Rules & Regulations, owners (Landlords) of rental property are required to pay and keep a deposit on file with the District (until that property is sold). A water user agreement between the landlord and District is also required to be on file with the District.
*** After Hours Water Emergency Contact ***
Email: (816) 779-5381 (office) (816) 817-9473 (fax)